Bee Propolis, Bee Supplements For Your Health

Bee Propolis, Bee Supplements For Your Health
Bee Propolis, BeeSupplements For Your Health, Bee pollen is often referred to as nature's most complete food. Human consumption of bee pollen is praised in the Bible, other religious books, and texts of ancient China and Egypt. Bee pollen rejuvenates your body, stimulates organs and glands, increase vitality, and brings about a longer life span. Bee pollen is the ability to consistently and noticeably increase energy levels makes a favorite substance among many world class athletes and those interested in maintaining and improving the quality of performance.

Bee Propolis
Bee propolis, often called natural penicillin, has historically been used to treat tuberculosis, ulcers, mitosis, colitis and to boost immunity. Bee propolis has been proven to destroy bacteria, viruses, fungi and even penicillin-resistant bacteria (staphylococcus). It contains bioflavonoids, one of which (galangin) is a natural antibiotic. Additionally, Bee propolis improve immune function, particularly by increasing the activity of phagocytes (killer cells). Bee Propolis also inhibits the production of prostaglandins, thereby stopping inflammation.

Bee Propolis is a resin collected by bees from plants and used in the construction of the nest. Bees adopt sterilization habits long before humans. The most sterile place in nature is a beehive. Propolis is a natural substance that is responsible for neutralizing bacteria, fungi or viruses that enter the hive. One of the most powerful foods found in nature, Propolis is a very complex mixture of waxes, resins, balsams, oil, and small amounts of pollen.

Bee Propolis is a waxy substance collected by honey bees which contains phytotonizides. Phytotonizides believed to contain immunity factors, which when used internally, stimulates the body and provide a natural immunity to the disease (natural antibiotic). Propolis is collected from all over the world, and proper temperature control will assure maximum freshness and consistency.

As a supplement, Bee Propolis is an excellent aid against bacterial infections. Stimulate 'phagocytosis'; helps white blood cells to destroy bacteria. Good results against inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, dry cough, halitosis, tonsillitis, ulcers, and acne. Stimulate the immune system.

Royal Jelly
Royal Jelly is a substance of complex chemical structure produced by the young nurse bees as larva food. Although not well known as bee pollen, royal jelly pollen same beneficial effect is.

The young nurse bees make royal jelly, it is a secretion from glands at the top of their heads. For 2-3 days, royal jelly is the only food given to all young larvae in their maturation process, while for the queen larvae, it is certain foods for a period of their lifetime. During the three days in which the worker bee larvae fed royal jelly, they reach maximum development; multiplying their weight about 250 times. Queen (fed only on royal jelly for the rest of his life) reaches maturity 5 days earlier than the worker bees; and, when he grows up, her weight is double that of the working bee. Worker bee's life span is about 35-40 days; while the queen lives 5-6 years and are very productive. He fertilized once, and from then on can lay as many as three thousand eggs per day during the season. As incredible as this may seem, she can lay many eggs for five years.

This rich concentrated food is not just useful for the bees. It contains an incredible amount of proteins, lipids, glucides, vitamins, hormones, enzymes, minerals, and certain important factors that act as biocatalysts in cell regeneration processes within the human body.
Image courtesy of satit_srihin at

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